• Happy October! I hope everyone is ready for some fall weather. I know I sure am! The twins are doing well in college, and we visited them both this past month.

  • Boost focus and productivity with ADD/ADHD-friendly workplace habits. Learn how to structure routines, use reminders, break down tasks, minimize distractions, and take breaks. Contact Sorted Out for personalized productivity support.

  • Prepare your outdoor space for fall with 7 easy tips! From cozy decor to safety and entertainment, get ready for cool nights and fun gatherings.

  • When we hear the word “perfect”, we often consider it a compliment. However, perfectionism in the workplace is often a hinderance. Are there benefits to someone striving for the goal of perfection in their career?

  • At Sorted Out we are all about strength and independence. We absolutely understand that many of us work hard for our money and don’t spend it lightly and without purpose.

  • Since I am in huge college mode with the twins this August, I wanted to think of something useful to help everyone get organized for this month. I love using August as a time to get organized in the office, and if you’re feeling overwhelmed in yours, I would suggest using these helpful tips.

  • In today's fast-paced digital world, staying organized is no longer just about keeping a tidy desk or a well-arranged closet; it extends into the digital realm. From overflowing email inboxes to cluttered cloud storage, managing digital chaos is becoming increasingly crucial.

  • We’re all guilty of it. Getting hit with the “I want to organize my life!” bug that in reality meant you threw away 2-3 items, bought a ton of new storage containers, and then shoved things you weren’t really sure what to do with into various bins, baskets, and drawers.

  • 7 things NOT to do when organizing your pool toys and floats. It’s that time of year when we need to evaluate all our pool toys and floats around the yard and storage areas. These items are always bulky and frankly kind of annoying to go through. LOL! I know it is for me.

  • At Sorted Out we have several organizers on our team that hold certificates in Productivity and Time Management Studies. We also have professionals that hold ADHD Specialist Certificates, and we have a few that hold both! When I say we know and understand the complexities of having ADD/ADHD?

  • Whether decluttering, spring cleaning, downsizing, or simply refreshing your space, there is typically one category of items in your home that won’t be hitting the road any time soon. Memorabilia!

  • Phew, now that I have made it through Graduation with the Twins, it is time to start getting my house back into order. Like all of us, it is hard to stay on top of organizational maintenance when things get a little crazy in our personal lives.

  • Is it hypocritical of me to finally be sitting down to write this post on the eve of my self-governed deadline for it? Probably! But the truth of the matter is no one is 100% safe from the pitfalls of the dreaded “P” word… procrastination.

  • The topic of this post is a big one…literally. The boomer generation got its name because of the historically big “boom” in U.S births between 1946 and 1964. Now? In 2024? The boomer generation is aging and that means over three million people are at a time in their lives where it makes sense to downsize.

  • May is already here, and we are in FULL graduation mode with my identical twins, Peyton and Sydney! It’s a bittersweet time but that doesn’t stop me from some of the home projects I have going on around the house.

  • Any thriving business hits a point of success that requires the next step to be taken to continue the upward trajectory. If you have been hardworking and determined enough to begin seeing the fruits of your labor develop into true business success; Congratulations!

  • Last month I talked about the best ways to organize under your kitchen sink. That got me thinking about another area of my kitchen that truly has no business ever being as cluttered as it often is… the countertops!

  • Spring is in the air and you know what that means…..it’s spring cleaning & decluttering time. It feels so good to do some cleaning along the way. I wanted to put together some tips this [...]

  • It is often very tempting to want to hit the “pause button” on work. Especially this time of year with the weather beginning to improve and more Spring activities popping up, it’s more appealing than ever to hit pause by using “Hold” or “To Review” files.

  • This blog topic is one that came to mind when the cabinet under my own kitchen sink got a spontaneous overhaul just last week! The other day, I happened to need a product (I believed to be) located under my kitchen sink.

  • Travel season is going to be upon us so I thought for this month’s “Tips from Tonia” I would focus on some easy tips for packing. Whether you are planning to go somewhere on spring [...]

  • For most of us natural born organizers, nothing is more annoyingly stressful than the glaring red notification bubble on our email inbox.

  • The great thing about decluttering is that it (hopefully) leads to a giant pile of items that will be leaving your home. The bad thing about decluttering is…that it leads to a giant pile of items that are still in your home.

  • Happy February! I hope everyone is off to a good start in 2024. For me, it has been very chaotic, but I like to say it’s controlled chaos! Lol! The new year always brings me great [...]

  • The best way to refresh and renew your business organization in a new year is to begin with the space where most of your business is conducted: your desk!

  • I have a great feeling about 2024! Last year truly did feel like a year that many people I know (personally, professionally, & from a distance) began their journey to bettering themselves and their [...]

  • Happy New Year! It’s here, I said it - 2024! I still can’t believe what year it is. I feel like time keeps going faster and faster. This year is especially bittersweet because the twins will [...]

  • I truly can’t believe I am now sitting down and writing the final blog post of 2023! Wow, what a busy and productive and enjoyable and chaotic year it has been. It feels bizarre [...]

  • Becoming an empty nester is an exciting and monumental accomplishment, but simultaneously a terrifying and difficult adjustment. First and foremost, congratulations! You’ve successfully raised and sent your children out into the world, and for that [...]

  • It’s that time of the year to start getting organized for Christmas. This is a really fun time for families to relax and enjoy the holidays together, but it can be a little overwhelming. I [...]

  • We have ALL been there: picture yourself driving home from work, going over tomorrow’s to-do list in your head only to suddenly to realize, “Tomorrow’s to-do-list looks pretty similar to today’s to-do-list.” Now you’re reflecting on the past 8-12 hours you just spent at work and think, “Wait. Did I accomplish anything today? What did I spend my entire day doing if it wasn’t my work?!!”

  • Of course, we all know being disorganized is bad. ”Organized” is a trait drilled into our brains as beneficial from a very young age (both at home and at school). But have you ever truly [...]

  • Happy November everyone! I hope you are enjoying the cooler weather like we are. I feel like it took forever to get here though. Now that it’s fall, it’s time to start getting organized in [...]

  • Meetings are a necessary evil for any business or group of people working together, but there is a way to take the “evil” out of the equation! Meetings are necessary; but the more efficient [...]

  • Have I ever typed up a post and not used the word “label”? (I feel like I haven’t!) Labeling is one of the simplest and most critical steps of any organization project. Big or small, [...]

  • It’s that time of the year and I’m ready to purge some areas in my house! Who’s with me?? It’s hard to find the time to go through all the holiday decor, candles, linens, etc. [...]

  • What’s one of the smallest spaces in your home yet has perhaps the biggest role and most potential when it comes to organization? Your closet! Think about it. This space is most commonly no [...]

  • The Organizer Hires An Organizer Hi everybody! This year is FLYING BY!! It’s that time of year to get organized with those areas that you typically don’t think of. This September, I decided to [...]

  • Who gave August and the back-to-school season permission to be here already?! I personally can’t believe how quickly the middle of this year has flown by, and now the busiest quarter of the year [...]

  • I cannot believe we are already into August tips from Tonia! If you are like me, I do not know where this summer has gone. What has everybody been up to this summer? I know [...]

  • Take Your House Back I hope everybody’s having a great summer! For the July tips, I decided to write about something relatable to just about everyone. I don’t know about you, but I feel [...]

  • Many children are happily beginning their summer breaks, but summer months full of nothing but relaxing, vacation, and fun (unfortunately) aren’t a reality for adults with careers. Add in the fact that when you [...]

  • School is finally out, which means my family & I are getting ready for our summer trip to Hawaii! Planning for this trip has been flat out exhausting, but all of the hours planning & [...]

  • I’m thrilled to report that many of our clients have revealed to us they have a TON of great projects in the works within their businesses. They’re passionate and thrilled about their growth, the future, [...]

  • I hope everybody is having a great start to the month. I’d like to report back on some of the projects I was working on around my own home. Do you ever feel like you have a [...]

  • I hope that everybody is off to a great start to 2023. The New Year is already flying by! If you didn’t get a chance to watch my Good Morning Texas segment in January, [...]

  • Happy New Year! We had another incredible year in 2022 here at Sorted Out and we have YOU to thank for that. We feel so blessed to be able to offer our assistance and [...]

  • Happy new year! I can’t believe it’s already 2023. I often ask myself where all these years go. I feel like time needs to slow down a bit. 😫 After reflecting on 2022, I [...]

  • It’s no secret the holidays can be overwhelming. Between the cooking, cleaning, shopping, and hosting, how in the world do we muster up enough holiday spirit?! I’m not one to pretend that I’m above [...]

  • Get Organized this Holiday Season and Avoid the Holiday Stress! Is the thought of the upcoming holidays stressing you out? Don’t worry, we all feel it. Thanksgiving is over, we managed to get through [...]

  • It’s already that time of the year to start thinking about and preparing for the Thanksgiving Holiday! I don’t know about you, but it’s a bit overwhelming sometimes to think about all the things that [...]

  • We are in the thick of the DIY age, and understandably so! Consumers have so much inspiration at their fingertips thanks to social media (Instagram, Pinterest, Tik Tok), video streaming platforms (Netflix, Hulu, etc.), [...]

  • Ah, the home garage. Also known as our very expensive storage unit - ha! I think we can all relate to a time in our lives where our garage functioned more as a chaotic [...]

  • It thrills me to see so many of our clients going paperless in their workplace! I know it can seem like a daunting task, especially if your business is larger in scale, but it [...]

  • Who here has a junk drawer? How about a junk closet? What about…a junk refrigerator?! It’s so easy to hastily put things in a storage area and close the door on it, quickly forgetting [...]

  • Happy 2022! The start of a new year is the time where we get to hit the restart button on our work/life balance. Not just a resolution but offering a new start with a clean slate! [...]

  • At this point in the year we’ve all dealt with our share of zoom fails. You know...bad connections, disorganized hosts, talking over one another, the list goes on. It looks like zoom calls are here [...]

  • I’m sure we were all hoping that working from home wouldn’t be a hot topic of conversation this far into the New Year, but here we are. If you haven’t gotten the hang of it [...]

  • We’ve all been there - you swear you set your alarm with plenty of time to get yourself ready, lunches packed, and the kids out the door on time for school...but somehow your morning [...]

  • How anyone survives without meal planning is beyond me. I mean, it saves so much time, energy, and money...if you’re not already doing it, it’s a must! Especially with the kids back to school. [...]

  • Let me start with saying - I get it. Organizing isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and it can seem like an incredibly daunting task. There’s always something else you can be doing, like enjoying [...]

  • Work: the place where you spend the majority of your life sitting at a desk pretending to look busy. I’m totally kidding! Some days are crazy busy, but let’s be honest - we’ve all [...]

  • Let’s be honest for a minute – shall we? Summer can be hard. Don’t get me wrong, it’s so fun getting to spend extra time with our little ones, going on family vacations, and [...]

  • What comes to mind when you think of summer? For me, it’s the refreshing taste of homemade iced tea, the yelps of kids jumping into the pool, the smell of sunscreen, and the sizzle [...]

  • Tax season can be…well…taxing. No one enjoys this task – not even your accountant (but hey, at least they’re getting paid for it!) With these tips I hope I can alleviate some of the [...]

  • Spring Break is here, which means it’s time for swimsuits, beach towels, and lots of sunscreen. Dare I say I prefer this time of year over summer? It’s not too hot yet and you [...]

  • There’s no better feeling than turning that “Out of Office” notification to ON. It’s time to relax, enjoy the holidays, and catch up with friends & family. On the other end, returning to find [...]

  • Have you ever had one of those days where your to-do list feels a thousand miles long? Like there’s no way you’ll ever be able to tackle every task? I feel you! Being a [...]

  • School is almost out, and it is that time of year that you must organize activities to keep the kids busy while you can continue with your work schedule.  There is so much planning [...]

  • It is the start of the new year and before we know it, tax season will creep up on us.  If you are like me, you think that you have plenty of time to pull [...]

  • Now that we are full swing into 2018, it is time to make a plan of action about getting organized this year.   One way to stay organized is through time management.  We all have a [...]

  • If you are like the thousands of people out there who don't like to do your taxes, you are not alone! Getting organized for this process is daunting and down right kind of [...]

  • With the stress of the holiday season in full swing, it's easy to allow clutter to get out of hand and wreak havoc on all your holiday plans. However, with just a few easy [...]

  • Summer is here, bringing with it the many joys of family vacations. Whether you head to the beach, the mountains, out of the country or to exotic locales, you probably agree that many [...]

  • Do you ever feel frustrated when at the end of the day you have this annoying feeling you have NO idea what you accomplished for the day? Often times, when you’re trying to [...]