Many children are happily beginning their summer breaks, but summer months full of nothing but relaxing, vacation, and fun (unfortunately) aren’t a reality for adults with careers. Add in the fact that when you have ADHD the nicer the weather is outside, the harder it is to stay focused inside? Summers at work can be FULL of distraction! Read on if you’re looking for six easy tips that can help you stay organized at work with ADHD.
1. Limit Distractions
One of the best and most accessible ways to stay organized while working is to limit as many possible distractions as you are able. Something as simple as closing the door to your office or choosing the quietest place in the building to work will keep you on task during your workday. Limiting the clutter on your desk, in your work bag, and in your workspace will also help. Keeping only the items you need in sight on-hand will not only make you feel more organized, but it allows you to work undistracted in your surroundings.
Outside of your physical environment, you can also keep organized and limit distractions by “decluttering” sounds and tasks throughout your day. If you are able, use headphones or earbuds to tune out extra noises in the office. If you don’t need your phone directly for your job, turning off the ringer will also allow you to focus on the task at hand. If you designate specific times throughout your workday to check your emails and messages, you won’t find yourself constantly being distracted by them as they’re incoming. Set a designated time to check in, and don’t let new messages distract you outside of that designated time.

2. Practice Setting Goals and Following Through
Something that can help immensely with organization is goal setting! The more you practice the act of setting goals, the more naturally you will find yourself achieving them. Make sure that the goal you are setting is reasonable, attainable, and measurable. Setting an unrealistic goal, or a goal with success that can’t be properly measured, isn’t going to motivate you! The goal can be large or small; anything that you need to get done or accomplished can be considered a goal. Once you have a goal in mind, you need to figure out the steps you need to take to achieve those goals. You’ll also want to have an idea in mind of how you can measure your progress. Set a time limit on achieving the goal and get started on the steps to work toward it. If you limit the number of goals you set per day/week/month you will continue to sharpen your goal-setting skills through practice.
3. To-Do List
For people with ADHD, a to-do list is your best friend! Nothing will keep you more focused and organized than a tangible list with items you can cross off in celebration of each accomplishment. During the busiest days/weeks at work it’s important that you simplify your list so you don’t get too overwhelmed by everything you have to do. Try starting with a focus on the small tasks you need to start with and keep your list limited to those “top priority” items. Keep your list in a prominent spot at work in clear view! Being able to see your checklist and knowing you’ll constantly be able to cross items off will help you stay on top of things and keep you motivated to make progress toward those goals. You may even find extra motivation and incentive to stay focused if you set a timer for certain tasks on your list.

4. Have a Deadline & Set Reminders
For most goals and tasks, if you don’t have a due date or deadline in mind, you won’t ever accomplish what you set out to. Many projects or tasks for work will already have a deadline set. However, if none is outlined, make sure to set one to keep yourself accountable for your designated responsibilities.
Have a system to continually remind yourself of tasks and their deadlines. This may be in the form of digital reminders (apps/calendar alerts on your smartphone and/or computer), physical/written reminders (planners, a printed calendar, a visual checklist, etc.), or a combination of both. For bigger goals or tasks, I know I write deadlines both in my calendar within my planner and I set a reminder note on my phone!
On these reminders, no matter which system works for you, be sure to include all important information you may need for each task. Dates, names, phone numbers, time zones, etc. may all be relevant. When you initially set your deadlines, make sure to also set reminders for yourself nearer to the deadline to make sure you accomplish all tasks necessary to reach your goal in plenty of time.
5. Improve Your Memory & Stay Organized Within the Workplace
While physically at your place of work it’s important to be (and appear) as organized as possible. Taking notes during meetings will help you do this. If anything is verbally mentioned about your tasks, a plan, the expectations…jot it down! At the moment something is said, you may not know which details are most pertinent, or many details may be presented at once making it easy to forget some. You may even consider recording the meeting so you can review the details later.
Organize your personal desk or work area so that you have a clear process. Have a designated system for filing papers so they don’t simply pile up on your desk. Use clear desk organizers so everything can be spotted easily. Have a stacking paper tray for action items and finished paperwork. Label all your folders and binders with color coded coordinating files. (A roundup of several of our favorite savvy workplace tools can be found here if you’re looking for more specific product recommendations!) Keeping your space organized allows your mind to have an organized grasp on things as well.
Time block your day! Having a clear outline of each day will help immensely. Remember to include flexibility in your schedule in case of unexpected issues or tasks that may come up at the last minute and demand immediate action. Many of these last-minute issues will likely come up in conversation with coworkers and your team members close to deadlines. Follow up all verbal workplace conversations with digital communications (email) so you have something you can refer back to. Putting these conversations in writing can also help clear up any confusions or misunderstandings there may still be after the verbal discussion has taken place.

6. Allow Time to Diffuse Restlessness
This is an important one! Allow yourself time to reset. Take short, frequent breaks throughout the day. Work mini breaks into your day in between accomplishing goals and completing tasks you’ve outlined for yourself. If you feel overwhelmed, or, if you’re having a particularly difficult time focusing; get yourself moving! Take a brief walk around the office, run to the water fountain one floor down, step outside for a minute of fresh air, etc. When appropriate, it can be helpful to stop by and talk with coworkers directly rather than sending them an email. This not only helps get you out of your workspace for a quick change of scenery, but you’re continuing to stay on task and working toward your goal as you do so. Allow yourself this time to diffuse restlessness and give yourself grace on the days it’s a greater struggle; but have a time limit on breaks for yourself and set a reminder of when it’s time to get back to work.
You’re beyond capable of being an organized professional in your workplace. During these next few months when the sun is shining and other distractions are seemingly popping up all over, keep these six tips in mind, and let us know if you see a difference in your own achievement, organization, and focus! If you notice? Surely your boss will notice (and greatly appreciate) as well! If you need some help getting organized at work, reach out to us! We would be honored to help.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
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There are so many ways that organization can help take back a space that is overwhelming and bring it to functional! We are excited to help start your journey to an organized and productive space.