Sorted Out’s Organization Tips

Tips straight from the pros on how to categorize, organize, and rule your world.
We share some of the best tips we have learned over the years for organizing your spaces.

Kitchen Organizing Tips

Tupperware is a struggle in itself when it comes to kitchen items. Keep that cabinet organized and making sure each vessel has the proper lid – hard to maintain! But with something as easy as a food container lid organizer, everything will be in its place and easily accessible.

Kitchens are one of the prime spaces where items accumulate fast, making it hard to sift through your cabinets and drawers to find that blender all the way in the back. Put an end to the digging with a pull-out cabinet drawer that makes it easy to get to your favorite blender in no time.

If the only kind of glass that you drink out of is a wine glass, then it’s likely that you’ve struggled with creating space in your cabinets to make a home for all of them. Don’t let your glasses take over all the valuable cabinet space, incorporate an undershelf stemware holder that allows you to really maximize your cabinet storage.

Finding yourself having to take out all of your spice bottles just to find the one you want? Not only is it frustrating but it’s also a kitchen clutter nightmare! Investing in a tiered Lazy Susan makes it easy to see, grab, and use the spices you need while cooking.
It always seems like we are fighting for more space in our kitchen…optimize your cabinet space to the fullest with an expandable cabinet shelf. This shelf allows you to take advantage of the vertical space in your cabinets. Allowing you to stack things without making it hard to get to what you need.

Kitchen Organizing Blogs

  • We’re all guilty of it. Getting hit with the “I want to organize my life!” bug that in reality meant you threw away 2-3 items, bought a ton of new storage containers, and then shoved things you weren’t really sure what to do with into various bins, baskets, and drawers.

  • May is already here, and we are in FULL graduation mode with my identical twins, Peyton and Sydney! It’s a bittersweet time but that doesn’t stop me from some of the home projects I have going on around the house.

  • Last month I talked about the best ways to organize under your kitchen sink. That got me thinking about another area of my kitchen that truly has no business ever being as cluttered as it often is… the countertops!

  • This blog topic is one that came to mind when the cabinet under my own kitchen sink got a spontaneous overhaul just last week! The other day, I happened to need a product (I believed to be) located under my kitchen sink.

Garage Organizing Tips

Floor space is highly valuable real estate in the garage. The goal to an organized garage is keeping items off the floor and up against the wall. A garage shelving system is a great alternative for storage needs while bring order to chaos! Even go a step further and organize your items into labeled bins.
The go-to leaning your bike against the wall approach just won’t cut it anymore if you’re wanting an organized garage…bike mounts are an easy way to keep your bikes off the floor and ready to use for your next adventure.
Really not want to drill holes into the walls to get things off of the garage floor? A tool tower is the perfect solution to keeping your shovels, rakes, and brooms up and out of the way while preventing overcrowding.
Small tools have a way accumulating and end up in the “never to be seen again” plies. Using a pegboard to hang your most frequently supplies is an easy, cheap, and effective way of making sure that all of your tools have a home.
Garage Organizing Tips

Garage Organizing Blogs

  • This month I focused on my garage since the weather has been nice! I actually hired Sorted Out to help along with Total Garage solutions to get my garage tidy again! Thankfully, Sorted Out was [...]

  • Ah, the home garage. Also known as our very expensive storage unit - ha! I think we can all relate to a time in our lives where our garage functioned more as a chaotic [...]

  • Give the Gift of a Clean Garage Garage Organization Whose garage is just a big, overpriced storage unit? Between holiday decorations, kids’ toys, and those few boxes that were never unpacked from when [...]

  • Fall is the perfect time to clean out and organize your garage. The weather is cooler and you can make room for your car(s) for the winter months. I am originally from the Midwest [...]

Home Office / Paper Clutter Tips

Home Office
Papers pile up in your home office and can be hard to get in control of. Get on top of the mess before it takes over your space completely with the 3-pile sort technique. Shred — File — and Action Required.
When striving to have an organized office space, color coding is a guaranteed way of keep everything in its rightful place. Here are our color coded categories:

Green – Financial Red – Medical
Yellow – House Blue – Insurance

Mail items can get out of control pretty quickly with the amount of paper that comes into the home every day. Creating a mail station allows you to categorize your mail from outgoing, mail to be filed, and bills.

Know exactly where everything is in your office by labeling your files, drawers and anything else that you feel needs to be labeled. You’ll know exactly where everything is when the time comes to finding it.

More Home Office Organizing Tips

  • Do you ever wonder why you can only accomplish a small percentage of what you planned despite working 40 hours a week? Are you feeling like you're not accomplishing enough? The best action to [...]

  • There is no denying that the past 2 years have been challenging for most of us. A pandemic, inflation, and a general sense of unease is taking a big toll on the American worker. [...]

  • Organizing is important for all ages and stages of life and as we grow older, the more “stuff” we seem to accumulate. That’s why keeping up with your organization and remaining consistent over the [...]

  • We’ve all been there: the day seems full of possibility at the start, and then all of a sudden you glance at the clock and it’s 4:30. What…the…heck?! HOW?! More importantly, how has an [...]

Digital Clutter Tips

Your computer desktop can get over crowded and distracting fast if you’re not careful. Clear away items on your desktop that are no longer relevant or important.

Never worry about forgetting a password again. Tools like 1 Password ( link ) increase your internet security and also make it easier for you to keep track of logins.
When you need to use the internet, don’t get distracted by random news stories or “Favorite” links that inevitably become a time killer. Choose a blank tab, or the basic to avoid clickbait.
Once a month go through your newest files, images, attachements and delete anything that isnt necessary. Especially with photos, if it’s a duplicate image, or bad quality it needs to go. If you wouldn’t put it in a photo album, you probably won’t ever use it.
6 Easy Tips to Stay Organized at Work with ADHD Blog

More Digital Clutter Tips

  • We’re all guilty of it. Getting hit with the “I want to organize my life!” bug that in reality meant you threw away 2-3 items, bought a ton of new storage containers, and then shoved things you weren’t really sure what to do with into various bins, baskets, and drawers.

  • At Sorted Out we have several organizers on our team that hold certificates in Productivity and Time Management Studies. We also have professionals that hold ADHD Specialist Certificates, and we have a few that hold both! When I say we know and understand the complexities of having ADD/ADHD?

  • Whether decluttering, spring cleaning, downsizing, or simply refreshing your space, there is typically one category of items in your home that won’t be hitting the road any time soon. Memorabilia!

  • Is it hypocritical of me to finally be sitting down to write this post on the eve of my self-governed deadline for it? Probably! But the truth of the matter is no one is 100% safe from the pitfalls of the dreaded “P” word… procrastination.

Bathroom Organization Tips

Bathroom Organization Tips
The bathroom can become a catch all place for personal items. Make sure all needed categories are labelled which helps stray items from finding their way into the bathroom permanently.

Not only does inside-the-door storage save space, it’s super convenient for your go-to items like hair dryers and straighteners.
When kids share a bathroom, give them each their own shelf or shower caddy to organize their supplies. This helps keep clutter from spreading so it’s easier to clean on a regular basis.
Hanging towels from hooks helps them to air dry and save space. Anything you can hang in the bathroom keeps your surfaces open for easier cleaning.

Bathroom Organizing Blogs

  • I can’t believe it’s already April! This month I have committed to organizing my makeup. After completing the Good Morning Texas segment, I wanted to give myself a little bit of a challenge. But honestly [...]

  • I hope everybody is having a great start to the month. I’d like to report back on some of the projects I was working on around my own home. Do you ever feel like you have a [...]

  • Bathrooms can quickly become a catch-all space if you’re not careful. It makes sense because so many items are needed in this space: skincare, medicines, shower necessities, extra supplies, linens, and even laundry at [...]

  • Spring cleaning…ahh, those two dreaded words. Nothing can bring you down from your seasonal high than realizing you’re about to spend a full weekend diving deep into the world of cleaners, dust bunnies, and [...]

Download Free Organizing Printable Checklists

The Tools

We’ve put together this handy list of free organizing tools you can download and print to help keep your home organized. The PDFs include tips as well as recommended schedules that will simplify your tasks and save you loads of time!

Download them today, share them with friends, and live a happier more organized life!