
Ah, the home garage. Also known as our very expensive storage unit – ha! I think we can all relate to a time in our lives where our garage functioned more as a chaotic storage area rather than a functional, multi-purpose space. I get it; it’s a massive catch-all area just waiting to be filled! But – there’s an efficient way to go about garage storage. If yours still functions as a pricey storage unit, this blog post is for you! Let’s tackle how to organize your garage once and for all.


First and foremost, declutter! There are few things that get me as excited (and feeling lighter) as a good purging session. Start by removing everything, and I mean everything, from the garage. It may seem overwhelming but there’s no better place to start an organizing project than with a clean, blank slate. Separate items into keep, donate, and toss piles. Make sure everything is laid out on an even surface and not buried under each other. When you’re able to visually see everything that will need to have a home within the garage, it’s easier to section off a designated space for each. Go ahead and get rid of the toss and donate piles before continuing. Now, don’t you feel calmer already?!


Go Vertical

My absolute favorite tip and trick for how to organize your garage (once and for all) is to go vertical! There is so much space when you look up, as opposed to the limited floor space you have (especially if you park your cars and other large items in the garage).

Keeping items off the floor helps create room for heavier/big items and promotes efficiency. Bonus: it doesn’t look as cluttered! When choosing a wall-mounted shelving system, try to avoid anything that sits too low to the ground. I always recommend metal storage shelves over particle board because it can hold much more weight and will last longer.

To utilize ceiling space (an often overlooked area just waiting to be used!) opt for an overhead rack like this. I especially love hanging our bikes from the ceiling with hooks, and I promise, they’re not hard to take down. For awkward items that are harder to store (brooms, ladders, gardening tools, etc.) track systems are an absolute game-changer! They create vertical storage for your goods while also keeping your floors free of clutter. This is a great space to store your folding lawn mower – yep! You read that right! Did you even know such a thing exists?! For my friends who prefer their storage to be aesthetically pleasing, I think you’ll love the Gladiator tracks. I prefer them because not only do they look clean and crisp, but you can customize the spacing and amount to fit any of your needs.

If your budget doesn’t allow for hanging shelves, look for metal shelving instead. This still allows you to go vertical and keep the majority of items off the floor. As you see, maximizing floor space is the goal here.


Once you have your fundamental storage systems in place, it’s time to start placing your items back in the garage. Section items into piles by likeness (holiday, gardening, travel, sports, etc.) These will become your zones of organization so that you can reach everything you need at once, in one place. Make sure you’re labeling bins, shelves, and other storage solutions as you go so you don’t lose track of where things go down the road. It’s also important to keep your everyday lifestyle in mind while creating zones; items you use daily should be more easily accessible than, say, holiday decor. The key rule to a successfully organized space is that it works well for you and your needs!

There are a few different storage items to use when sorting and organizing. Clear bins are great for grouped items like holiday decor, extras, etc.; they’re easily removed and replaced in one fair swoop. Drawers and divided organizers are especially handy for smaller items like tools, crafts, and nails/screws. If you utilize this storage idea, don’t forget to label each drawer or section! It helps everyone in the family keep the system functioning properly well after the project is complete. Finally, don’t sleep on airtight storage so that the quality of your beloved items remains intact over the years.

Garage Organization

On the Floor

Mesh bags that are “open” or racks are perfect for sports equipment, towels, games, shoes, etc. Basically, anything that usually ends up in a messy pile on the floor! Speaking of shoes…I am a big fan of boot trays and shoe racks by the door, as they keep mud and dirt from being tracked into your home. Wall hooks can be used for anything else that family members usually “shed” before entering the home (think sports bags, hoodies, etc.)

There is so much empty space in our garages that can be utilized and set up to serve a purpose. Ceilings and tall walls are overlooked and offer so much extra storage, so let’s use it! Setting items up in bins on shelves and in drawers also helps to capitalize on air space, all you have to do is take advantage and get started. I hope these tips have left you feeling capable and motivated! You can also check out this garage project that Sorted Out did, for further reference of some of the systems noted above.

Have any ideas of your own on how to organize your garage once and for all? Drop them in the comments below so we can read them!

Organizing is for everyone, but it might not be for everyone. If that’s the case, feel free to reach out to our wonderful team at We’d be thrilled to set up a one-hour consultation and help you accomplish your organizing goals!

Looking forward to hearing from you,


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There are so many ways that organization can help take back a space that is overwhelming and bring it to functional! We are excited to help start your journey to an organized and productive space.