May is already here, and we are in FULL graduation mode with my identical twins, Peyton and Sydney! It’s a bittersweet time but that doesn’t stop me from some of the home projects I have going on around the house. Now more than ever, I need to start getting my pantry organized for guests and the summertime! I decided to renovate my pantry with Closet by Design and hired my own organizers to help me put it all back together! I thought I would share some of the tips with you that I used to help get me started, in case you are embarking on a new pantry renovation!

  1. Assess Your Needs: Before diving into the renovation and reorganization process, take some time to assess your needs. Consider what items you store in your pantry, how frequently you use them, and any specific storage requirements you may have.
  2. Plan the Layout: I worked with Closet by Design to plan the layout of my pantry. Consider factors such as the size and shape of the space, shelving options, any additional features you may want, such as pull-out drawers or baskets.
  3. Maximize Vertical Space: Pantries often have limited floor space, so make the most of vertical space by installing tall shelves or adjustable shelving units. This will allow you to store more items while keeping them easily accessible. When I did my pantry, I added almost 3 feet to my vertical space! I am so happy with the extra room now!
  4. Use Clear Containers: Invest in clear containers for storing dry goods such as flour, sugar, pasta, and cereals. Not only do clear containers make it easy to see what’s inside, they also help keep your pantry looking organized and tidy.
  5. Label Everything: Labeling is key to maintaining an organized pantry. Use a label maker or chalkboard labels to clearly identify the contents of each container or shelf. This will make it easier to find what you need and to put things back where they belong. I got a new label maker for this project, and I am obsessed with it. You can find it here!
  6. Group Similar Items Together: Organize your pantry by grouping similar items together. For example, keep all canned goods in one area, baking supplies in another, and snacks in a separate section. This will make it easier to locate specific items and reduce clutter. This also helps when you are menu planning or shopping for common items in your pantry!
  7. Consider Accessibility: When planning the layout of your pantry, think about accessibility. Store frequently used items at eye level or within easy reach, and reserve higher or lower shelves for items you don’t use as often. For example, my son always needs an after-school snack, so I placed his snack bin down low so he could access it. Viola! He can grab his own!
  8. Add Lighting: Good lighting is essential in a pantry, especially if it doesn’t have any windows. Consider adding LED strip lights or battery-operated tap lights to illuminate the space and make it easier to see what’s inside. I did not add lighting, but I often ask clients to if this is something they are lacking.
  9. Regular Maintenance: Finally, make it a habit to regularly maintain your pantry. Set aside time every few months to declutter, clean, and reorganize the space as needed. This will help prevent clutter from building up and ensure that your pantry stays organized in the long run. When in doubt, hire Sorted Out to help you maintain your new space.

I know summer is approaching fast, so now I say if you have been debating on installing a new pantry, do it now. Don’t wait as long as I did! I’ve been wanting a new pantry for about 10 years! LOL

Happy Organizing,


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