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ADHD Fridge Organization

2022-04-26T11:02:40-05:00Kitchen Organizing, ADHD Organizing Tips, Time Saving Tips|

Who here has a junk drawer? How about a junk closet? What about…a junk refrigerator?! It’s so easy to hastily put things in a storage area and close the door on it, quickly forgetting and ignoring the fact that it is an absolute mess. Doors and drapes have a magical way of making unorganized spaces appear tidy, but you and I both know better than that. Let’s chat about refrigerator organization, specifically focusing on the needs of clients [...]

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Meal Planning

2020-10-07T09:50:36-05:00Home & Family Organization, Kitchen Organizing, Time Saving Tips|

How anyone survives without meal planning is beyond me. I mean, it saves so much time, energy, and money...if you’re not already doing it, it’s a must! Especially with the kids back to school. After having meal prepped for many years, I have lots of little tips and tricks to share with you in order to tackle meal planning for your family. Let’s get started! Meal Plan For Your Life No - I don’t [...]

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