• Starting a Workflow Calendar2

Starting a Workflow Calendar

2023-12-01T11:14:33-05:00Business Organization, Office Organizing, Specialty Services|

Looking for something new and effective to implement at work to help get things more organized or to keep you on task? One of the simplest solutions for making work easier is a workflow calendar. Our experts put together this quick guide with tips for how to best get a workflow calendar set up for your business. Figure out what type of calendar works best for you Depending on your business, your employees/coworkers, [...]

  • 7 Things NOT To Do When Checking Your Email Blog

7 Things NOT To Do When Checking Your Email

2023-12-01T11:14:42-05:00Business Organization, Office Organizing, Specialty Services|

Email. This week’s topic is something seemingly small and insignificant, but wow, will these tips end up making a huge organizational difference in both your mind and your inbox! Email is a part of daily life and communication for almost all working adults, and it’s important that you don’t earn the reputation of “that coworker”. (You know the one. The coworker that doesn’t respond to correspondence for 3-4 days. The coworker that missed the updated project deadline because [...]

  • 6 Easy Tips to Stay Organized at Work with ADHD Blog

6 Easy Tips to Stay Organized at Work with ADHD

2023-12-01T10:52:47-05:00ADHD Organizing Tips, Business Organization, Specialty Services, Time Saving Tips|

Many children are happily beginning their summer breaks, but summer months full of nothing but relaxing, vacation, and fun (unfortunately) aren’t a reality for adults with careers. Add in the fact that when you have ADHD the nicer the weather is outside, the harder it is to stay focused inside? Summers at work can be FULL of distraction! Read on if you’re looking for six easy tips that can help you stay organized at work with ADHD. [...]

  • How-To-Time-Block-Blog

How To Time Block

2023-12-01T11:15:05-05:00Business Organization, Office Organizing, Specialty Services|

Do you ever wonder why you can only accomplish a small percentage of what you planned despite working 40 hours a week? Are you feeling like you're not accomplishing enough? The best action to take in this case is to Time Block – let’s talk about it! Time blocking is one of the most influential time management strategies. It is an effective method for managing workloads; as a result, you will become more productive in a shorter amount [...]

  • Email-Workload-ADHD-Blog

Get a Grip on Your Email Workload When You Have ADHD

2023-12-01T10:53:05-05:00ADHD Organizing Tips, Business Organization, Home & Family Organization, Office Organizing|

Here at Sorted Out, we specialize in helping clients with a diverse set of needs, ADHD being one of them. Our organizing experts hold certificates through the Institute for Challenging Disorganization, which means our team has the knowledge in 5+ specific fields of study, allowing us to tackle any of our clients’ many needs. Today we’ll chat about how to get a grip on your email workload when you have ADHD. Understanding how your [...]

  • Value of Hiring a Productivity Consultant Blog

The Value of Hiring a Productivity Consultant

2023-12-01T10:58:09-05:00Business Organization|

There is no denying that the past 2 years have been challenging for most of us. A pandemic, inflation, and a general sense of unease is taking a big toll on the American worker. One of the challenges we are facing is around the areas of productivity and organization. We have gone from driving to an office, to working from home full-time, to a partial workweek in the office or various combinations. This has led to a feeling [...]

  • Tips-on-How-to-Organize-Your-Work-Blog

Tips on How to Organize Your Work

2023-12-01T10:57:30-05:00ADHD Organizing Tips, Business Organization|

We’ve all been there: the day seems full of possibility at the start, and then all of a sudden you glance at the clock and it’s 4:30. What…the…heck?! HOW?! More importantly, how has an entire day passed and only one thing from the task list has been completed? Trust me - I feel your pain! Today I’m going to share some tips on how to organize your work; I don’t just mean how to file papers and organize [...]

  • Going-Paperless-Blog

Going Paperless

2023-12-01T10:53:17-05:00Business Organization, Time Saving Tips|

It thrills me to see so many of our clients going paperless in their workplace! I know it can seem like a daunting task, especially if your business is larger in scale, but it really is a no-brainer. Think about it: how many hours a week are wasted while sorting through files? Going paperless not only helps the environment, but is also more reliable and saves time, effort, and energy spent on work. Let’s go over some simple [...]

  • business-productivity-services

Business Productivity Services

2023-12-01T11:15:09-05:00Business Organization, Office Organizing|

Here at Sorted Out, we specialize in making your life easier. From tax tips to storage organization, we’ve got you covered! Because we cover a wide variety of needs, we thought it would be helpful to focus on one of our helpful services we haven’t shone light on in a while; let us introduce you to our productivity services, perfect for businesses and/or business professionals! Our business organizers are skilled in transforming chaos into cash flow (and what [...]

  • Tax season tips

Tax Season Tips

2023-12-01T10:53:39-05:00Tax Season Tips, Business Organization, Time Saving Tips|

Tax season can be…well…taxing. No one enjoys this task – not even your accountant (but hey, at least they’re getting paid for it!) With these tips I hope I can alleviate some of the stress that comes with tax season, and get you back to enjoying a clutter-free life with your family. First Things First Pour yourself a hot tea or a glass of wine before reading any further; tax talk is no fun! [...]


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