fall organization home cleaning

Now that summer is over we can focus more on our work schedules and family, but we can also throw in some clutter therapy as well. De-cluttering your closets, bathroom drawers, and desk areas will give you the answer you’ve needed to start fresh this fall. In my fourteen years of organizing for clients, friends, and family, I discovered that profiling unorganized spaces has been my expertise. The catalyst questions just came easily to me. For example, before you decide what needs to be de-cluttered ask yourself, “What is going to make me the most productive?” Do you desire a clean, straight-lined office? Then don’t start in your kitchen! Next decide what kind of person you are, regarding how you sort your clutter. Are you an ‘Out-of-Sight, Out-of-Mind Person? Are you an Over Organizer? Are you a “Stacker?” Identifying these will help you decide what systems are going to work best for you.


Starting small helps  avoid being overwhelmed; that’s clutter therapy Rule #1. Start with your file drawer in the office. Don’t overstuff the drawers to begin with, if you can help it. Sort any papers you don’t need anymore and shred them if they have important information on them such as social security numbers or other identifying features. If the file drawer is not working properly and keeping you from using the drawer, then fit it or get a new one. If you are an out-of-sight, out-of-mind person consider using a table-top filing system rather than the drawer itself. Use stylish file boxes and file folders so that you are more likely to see and then want to file your paperwork.


Your closet is Rule #2. Ask yourself the hard questions. How long has it been since I’ve worked with X? Do I really like this pair of shoes? How long has it been since I’ve worn X? Purging can be fun, because you might discover items you forgot about that you can now integrate into your current wardrobe. After sorting, decide what is going to be the best way to contain and keep your closet organized based on what kind of organizer you are. If you are a stacker, then you might be inclined to put contents into a storage system that allows for open-cube storage. It’s the look of “stacking,” but is organized within the storage cube. Looking for savvy decorative boxes is also another alternative; just be sure to label appropriately.


As we’re keeping things simple for fall, consider organizing your jewelry box. Rule #3: Lock it up if you love it. With jewelry, it can be the most simple piece but if you’re not wearing it get rid of it, unless of course it’s a keepsake item. If you have a jewelry box that is broken or you have outgrown the current one, consider using the wall in your closet as a new home. A great option is hanging a fabric-covered bulletin board on which to secure necklaces, bracelets and bigger earrings. Also, if you are indeed an out-of-sight, out-of-mind person this will help you keep up the maintenance of the jewelry. If you want to keep new items that have just been sitting around for awhile, physically take the jewelry out of the box and display it on your wall unit or jewelry armoire and use it. If you can’t see it chances are it’s been stuck in the box for a reason. Evaluate in the fall of next year to see if you wore or used that piece. Group all like items together along the way, and violá – organized jewelry. Now that your office drawers are neat and uncluttered, your closet has its style back, and you can coordinate with forgotten jewelry, now you are ready for fall.

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