• We’re all guilty of it. Getting hit with the “I want to organize my life!” bug that in reality meant you threw away 2-3 items, bought a ton of new storage containers, and then shoved things you weren’t really sure what to do with into various bins, baskets, and drawers.

  • I have a great feeling about 2024! Last year truly did feel like a year that many people I know (personally, professionally, & from a distance) began their journey to bettering themselves and their [...]

  • I can’t believe it’s already April! This month I have committed to organizing my makeup. After completing the Good Morning Texas segment, I wanted to give myself a little bit of a challenge. But honestly [...]

  • I hope everybody is having a great start to the month. I’d like to report back on some of the projects I was working on around my own home. Do you ever feel like you have a [...]

  • Bathrooms can quickly become a catch-all space if you’re not careful. It makes sense because so many items are needed in this space: skincare, medicines, shower necessities, extra supplies, linens, and even laundry at [...]