Laura Morgan 2022

Laura Morgan

Productivity Consultant

Laura Morgan 2022

Laura Morgan

Professional Organizer

Get To Know Laura

Our Productivity & Office Organization services are  designed to give entrepreneurs and small businesses an easy-to-follow system to streamline their offices and focus on the work they truly love. A realistic system that fits in with your busy schedule, easy-to-follow action steps, and implementation plans you can stick to PLUS the support of productivity experts who know the ins and outs of building profitable, efficient, and sustainable businesses.

Hi! My name is Laura. I am a self-starter who thrives in a fast-paced environment! A creative decision maker capable of thinking outside the box when needed.

I have extensive experience giving presentations to public audiences and will ensure that messages get across quickly without hesitation or confusion using my eloquent communicating skills

I am proudly a Certified Productivity Specialist who helps business professionals live more organized, efficient lives. I provide clients with systems and strategies they can use to stay on top of their busy lives without sacrificing their sanity! My 5-step discovery process assists clients with decision-making skills about priorities and goals. This leads to action steps around time, energy, and resources. Ultimately clients will achieve their desired outcomes regarding goals and effectiveness.

I specialize in helping business professionals who want to be more effective at their jobs and have less stress from being disorganized. My specialty areas include: professional organization, time management tools, productivity tips, and strengthening organizational skills by using effective and innovative systems that can be easily followed.

In addition to providing organizing solutions for business professionals, I am also a Certified ADD/ADHD, Chronic Disorder Specialist through the Institute for Challenging Disorder. I am well versed in assisting individuals with ADHD and ADD in helping them get back to their daily lives and accomplish what they want and not let their disorganization interfere with what matters most.

I am also an MSTI Qualified Mediation Specialist with expertise in helping families resolve their disputes and have helped many couples find common ground.

I provide easy-to-implement office plans, so you can get back on top of things without having to spend hours reading articles online, pouring over books looking for answers, or spending money on products and systems you will never use. I look forward to meeting you!

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