Sorted Out vs.
Get Organized

We are both Professional Organizers, but we’re biased and think Sorted Out is top notch!
Continue reading to learn why.

Why Sorted Out is the Best Choice for Professional Organizing

We Offer More Services

Get Organized offers a diverse list of services including In-Home Holiday Decorating and Digital Organizing, but their relocation/moving services are lacking. Organization companies play perhaps the most critical role in any big move or relocation and Get Organized has limitations on their packing and unpacking services. They also do not offer move management or estate sale services as we do. At Sorted Out we offer Home, Business, Elevated Home, and Specialty Organizing services. Then, between those four categories we offer almost 20 individualized services (including decluttering, virtual coaching, productivity workshops, moving & relocation management, interior design consultation, seniors and assisted living, ADHD organization, etc.) In total, Get Organized lists six services they provide. We take pride in the fact that, unlike Get Organized, we have a diverse enough team of experts that we can strategically pair our clients with an organizer that will best suit their individual needs.

organizing linens dallas

We Offer More & Charge Less

No job is too big or small for our certified team, and no amount of clutter is too large. We take on all levels of clutter, including all levels of hoarding behavior for no extra charge, which makes Sorted Out noticeably distinct from other companies. Get Organized will address hoarding behaviors, but they charge higher rates for it. Compared to Sorted Out, Get Organized offers less, but charges more. They charge extra for shopping and hoarding behavior while our pricing structure at Sorted Out doesn’t change based on the client/job. We charge based on the time required for all spaces needing assistance as opposed to a “one size fits all” project fee with hidden upcharges for “more difficult” work.

Hire Who You Need

Another restriction of Get Organized is that they require two organizers when working with any male client. At Sorted Out we never bring in more help than we feel is necessary because we’d then have to charge more. We work with any clients without limitations or restrictions. We understand that working continuously with clients to develop new organizational habits and processes is the most important role of a professional organizer, and our role doesn’t change depending on the client or type of organization expert needed. In addition, Get Organized doesn’t offer any services outside of the Texas locations specifically listed on their website. Sorted Out “will organize wherever you are”! While primarily servicing DFW and Raleigh, we also travel across the US organizing homes in cities like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, plus all other major cities and surrounding areas.

We are Certified Professional Organizers

We looked further into Get Organized and noticed that their team of 10 organizers and 3 IT organizers also differ drastically from Sorted Out’s professionals. The first notable difference is that their designer bios describe their passions, religions, families, and skills…but no industry certifications are listed. (Their pricing page does state that “pricing is based on the level of expertise and certifications held by your organizer” which implies that at least some of their team holds certifications, but it would be reassuring as a client to know you were hiring ICD certified organizers without an increased rate!) At Sorted Out, we can proudly say that everyone on our team has their Level I Certificate of Study in ADHD, along with their Level I Certificate of Study in Chronic Disorganization. In addition, we have several organizers with certifications in Time Management, organizers that specialize in Life Transitions, and Hoarding Behavior certified organizers.

Sorted Out New Team Photo 2023

The Bottom Line

Hiring a professional organizer is about more than switching out the type of closet hanger or offering custom labels. It’s about more than color coding your child’s books on the shelf or having all their games in perfectly curated storage bins. If looking to hire a professional organizer you want to ensure you’re hiring a company that will not simply “cover” the clutter. Seek out a company that will truly listen to your needs and work one-on-one with you to develop new systems to implement in your home. Find a company with certified Productivity experts that can suggest behavior/routine adjustments that will make a daily difference without “necessary” new products to be purchased. Do the research and hire a company that can back up their pretty curated website with industry educated and long trusted professionals.

Hear From Our Clients

Choose Sorted Out to Organize Your:

  • Communication/bills systems
  • Memorabilia
  • Play room/toy storage
  • Outdoor rooms
  • Time Management

Request a Quote

Our 4 step process!

Step 1: Request A Consultation
Fill out a Contact Us form submission & we will reach out!

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Step 1: Request Consultation

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Step 2: Phone Conversation with our Office Manager, Julie

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Step 3: Onsite Consultation

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Step 4: Get Organized

Affiliates, Partners & Awards

Tonia and the Sorted Out team are dedicated to the organizing community and staying up to date on the latest professional organizing tips and tricks for home and business. Below are some of the organizations the Sorted Out team support & attend.


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